Monday, August 23, 2010


Here is a little known fact about guys for everyone, we can think about nothing. Well maybe that fact is better known than I would really like to believe, but seriously. Men can actually think about nothing. It is very simple really; all that it requires is the ability to stare blankly at an object. This is probably not as much of a life changing revelation as it is a statement that is probably making you yell the word "duh" at the screen right now. The amazing thing is not the fact that men, myself included can literally think about nothing as is the reason why we can think about nothing.

Men compartmentalize their lives. Not all men, but most of them do. We go about our lives with our own little compartments. We have one for home, one for work, one for driving, one for sports, one for nothing, you get the picture. Their compartments all fit together in the jigsaw puzzle that men like to refer to as their lives. Each compartment has its own unique place that creates the entire image of a man. If a puzzle is missing one piece the image just doesn't seem quite as pristine as it should be. It is flawed, incomplete, and worthless. The same rule applies to a man, if someone does not know about all the compartments, the image of the man is distorted, because you do not see the whole man, the true man.

The crux of the matter is this; even the man himself can have a distorted view of his own life. Not because he is unaware of all of his compartments, but because he is unaware of how those compartments or pieces fit together to form the image. Many men think that no one area of life affects the other areas. However, as with a puzzle each piece affects those other pieces around it, thereby wreaking havoc with the entire image. If a man's life becomes to affected by one pieces that is out of alignment, the entire picture crumbles into ruins. I have seen this happen to one good man after another. It can happen to anyone. I have been down the road. I have chosen to ignore certain fundamental areas of my life in favor of other ones. I was unaware that by doing so, the entire image I had of myself was being twisted into an unfamiliar shadow of something that resembled who I am. My life was marred by this disparity for a long time. Until finally with one swift blow that seemed to make the very foundations of the earth quake my life my concept of who I am was shattered into a million tiny little pieces.

Here I am kneeling on the floor; picking up the pieces of what I thought was my life. I have no roadmap, no picture that I can view to see how to put them together. I simply have my friends and family. I have been launched on a path that many men have traveled before. This is the path to enlightenment, the path to discovery, the path to oneself. As I travel this path, I will share more of my story, I will learn more about myself than ever before, and I will share my experiences with you. Maybe one day I will see the image of myself fully, complete and without distortion, but for now I will be Putting Life Together.

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